Bachelor studies
Study programme
Our goal is quality teaching with innovative learning elements and a high emphasis on the implementation of the latest knowledge and expertise in the field of metallic and non-metallic materials. The set of fields of study and study programmes of the Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling of the Technical University of Košice for full-time study in the academic year 2024/2025 at the Institute of Materials:
- Degree of university study: 1. grade, Bachelor (Bc.)
- Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
- Study programme: Materials
- Form of study: Full-time
Characteristics of the graduate:
The graduate has knowledge in the specialised area of technical materials, including knowledge of the relationship between their chemical composition, structure and properties. The student is familiar with the principles of technologies for the production of structural materials and understands the nature of the main metallurgical and mechanical engineering technologies for their processing. Knows how to select appropriate materials and technologies for the manufacture and application of products in various branches of engineering or in other areas of industry and technology. Knows the principles and methodology of practical assessment of the structure of materials, testing their properties and quality and assessing their degradation using appropriate and appropriate research and development techniques.
New study programmes are in the phase of accreditation approval
New study programme
Design and quality of materials
- Degree of university study: 1. grade, Bachelor (Bc.)
- Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
- Study programme: Design and quality of materials
- Form of study: Full-time
The study programme will enable the graduate to acquire knowledge in a specialised area dedicated to engineering materials, including the understanding of the relationship between the design of their chemical composition, structure and properties. The student will learn the principles of technologies for the production of structural and functional materials and understand the nature of the main metallurgical and mechanical engineering technologies for their processing. The graduate will acquire the ability to select appropriate materials and technologies for the manufacture of products, to solve their design by modern procedures for applications in various branches of engineering, or in other areas of industry and technology. He/she will master the principles, methodologies and management of practical quality assessment of materials consisting in assessing the structure of materials, testing their properties and defectivity and assessing their degradation using appropriate and adequate technical, research and development procedures.
New study programme
Chemical processes in raw materials processing and materials production
- Degree of university study: 1. grade, Bachelor (Bc.)
- Field of study: Extraction and processing of earth resources
- Study programme: Chemical processes in raw materials processing and materials production
- Form of study: Full-time