Laboratories - IMAT - Institute of Materials

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IMAT Laboratories

Laboratory for Battery Research and Innovation VIB (PK 11)
The laboratory is a joint workplace of FMMR TUKE, IMV SAV and IGT SAV. It is a modern laboratory, which was created from the social order to solve research, development and innovation in the field of new types of batteries with high energy storage density, advanced electrode materials, new types of liquid and solid electrolytes, smart monitoring of parameters with predictive capabilities, estimation of the lifetime of battery systems, etc. It responds to the challenges of the European Commission in the field of energy transformation (Cleantech/Smarttech), energy security and the massive emergence of electromobility.

The laboratory addresses joint projects in basic and applied research, development, innovation and transfer of new knowledge into practice within the framework of a joint research and innovation platform. The aim of the VIB Lab is to integrate research capacities into a common platform by the FMMR TUKE, the Institute of Science and Technology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Science and Technology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, which will enable efficient implementation of research and development in the field of new materials for battery systems, smart monitoring of properties and transfer of research results into concrete innovative solutions. It works closely with strategic industrial partners such as Greenbat, MTS, Inobat, Alvancegroup, Aponi, Solved, etc.

Laboratory of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology LNN (PK 11)
The laboratory is equipped with instruments and equipment enabling the preparation and analysis of nanoparticles, e.g. gold, silver, but also other metals: microcentrifuge up to 14000 rpm; centrifuge Hettich Universal 320 - 9000 rpm; pH and potentiometers; UV-vis spectrophotometer; analytical balance; KERN laboratory balances; distillation apparatus; sterile box; spin coater - Microprocessor Controlled Spin Coater SCC200 - 1200 rpm; magnetic stirrers with heating Multi-Hotplate stirrers SMHS-3 - 350°C, 1500 rpm; Magnetic stirrers without heating IKA; Magnetic stirrer with heating IKA C-MAG HS7 - 1500 rpm, 500°C; Digester; Thermostat; Eve cell counter - automatic cell counter for measuring cell concentration and determining viability by trypan blue; Ultrasonic bath FB 15049H; Demineralization device Rodem6; Environmental shaker with incubator ES-20 and others.

Nowadays, nanoscience and nanotechnology are at the forefront of scientific interest and metal nanoparticles have a wide range of applications (from food to cosmetics to medicine and electronics).  The laboratory also includes a culture room, which is used to cultivate microorganisms that are used for green synthesis of nanoparticles and to test the toxicity and the ability of the synthesized nanoparticles to prevent the formation of biofilms.

The laboratory is also used for didactic purposes. In the premises of the laboratory, the students of the 2nd stage of studies prepare nanoparticles of precious metals by chemical and biological (green) methods, which are currently very popular due to the non-toxic, environmentally friendly production process (extracts from plants and microorganisms are used for synthesis). PhD students at the 3rd level also work on their dissertations in the laboratory.

Laboratory of high-temperature corrosion processes LVKP (PK 11)
The aim of the laboratory is to carry out research and development in the field of analyses of the influence of aggressive flue gas components on the high-temperature corrosion resistance of heat-resistant boiler steels and steels of other grades. The laboratory tests the resistance of steels to high-temperature oxidation in model environments according to specific requirements (mixed environment air + water vapour, SO2, HCl, HCl + SO2, or in environments according to the customer's requirements). The tests shall be carried out as long-term tests with a minimum exposure time of 3000 hours at a maximum temperature of 650 °C. Practical application of the knowledge of steel testing can lead to modifications of the metallurgy of steel production, including the chemical composition, as well as to the choice of the optimum exposure temperature. Equally important is a serious estimation of the functional or residual lifetime of equipment made of steels.

For testing boiler steels, or steels of other grades, a unique laboratory device is used - a gas-tight chamber furnace with atmosphere circulation for precise temperature distribution. Its advantages are a precisely defined atmosphere inside the furnace, uniform temperature distribution, industrial robustness, chemical resistance, mechanical resistance, low noise, the possibility of carrying out long-term tests (on the order of thousands of hours) and the fact that the oxidation process is software adjustable for long-term cycles with the possibility of precise control of the progress.

Laboratory of Metallographic Sample Preparation LPMV (PK 11)
The laboratory is used for education and research purposes in the field of metallic and non-metallic materials, specifically for the preparation of materialgraphic cut-outs necessary for the study of their microstructure by light microscopy.

The laboratory is fully equipped with modern devices for automatic pressing of samples of the materials under study into various plastics (Struers Citopres-1, Leco), equipment for manual pouring of samples into plastics, also modern devices for grinding and polishing of material cutouts with complete accessories (Struers Abramin, Buehler Metaserv 150 and 250, Tegramin 25) and also equipment for chemical etching of their surfaces. The laboratory includes an inverted light microscope designed for quick checking of the condition and quality of the prepared material cuts.

Laboratory of Light Microscopy LSM (PK 11)
The laboratory is used for education and research purposes in the field of metallic and non-metallic materials, specifically for the study of the nature of material surfaces and their macrostructure and microstructure using light microscopy.

The laboratory is equipped with a modern light stereomicroscope (Leica Wild M3Z) with digitized image output for the study of surfaces of various materials and their macrostructure and metallographic light microscopes (Olympus Vanox-T AH-2, Neophot 32) with digitized image output for the study of the microstructure of materials at different magnifications. The equipment of the laboratory also includes a variable load HV microhardness measuring device as additional equipment to the metallographic light microscope (Anton Paar MHT-4).

Laboratory of preparation of slides for electron microscopy LPPEM (PK 11)
The laboratory is used for education and research purposes in the field of conventional and unconventional materials, specifically for the preparation of slides needed for their study by scanning and transmission electron microscopy.

The laboratory is equipped with equipment for sampling with minimization of thermal and deformation effects with microshift capability (Struers Secotom 10), ultrasonic cleaner, equipment for preparation of all types of slides for scanning electron microscopy, including coating of non-conductive slides (Evaporator Jeol), a vacuum evaporator for the preparation of indirect slides for transmission electron microscopy of carbon extraction replicas (Jeol JEE-4B, Jeol JEE-4C) and an electrolysis device for the production of direct slides for transmission electron microscopy of thin films (Struers TenuPol-5).

Electron Microscopy Laboratory LEM (PK 11)
The laboratory is used for education and research purposes in the field of conventional and unconventional materials, specifically for the study of the nature of material surfaces by scanning electron microscopy and the nature of their substructure by transmission electron microscopy.

The laboratory is equipped with a scanning or scanning electron microscope (Jeol JSM-35CF) with an accelerating voltage of up to 35 kV and digitised image output for the study of material surfaces and possible fracture surfaces and a transmission electron microscope (Jeol JEM-2000FX) with an accelerating voltage of up to 200 kV and digitised image output for the study of the substructure of materials and their phase composition by electron diffraction analysis.

Mechanical Materials Testing Laboratory LMSM (PK 11)
The laboratory is used for teaching and research in the field of investigation of basic mechanical properties of engineering materials. The laboratory is standardly equipped for mechanical tensile tests at room temperature (static tearing machines ZWICK 1387, 200 kN, retrofit -digitized, INSTRON 1185, 100 kN, FP 100/1 - 100 kN), impact bending tests (Charpy hammer 300 J, Charpy mini-hammer 0.5 - 4 J), hardness tests (hardness testers for HRC, HRA, HV, UCI MicroDur II) and for dynamic tests (PSW rotary dynamic hammer with digitized output and deformation rates on circular and flat specimens from 1 to 60 m/s). The laboratory also includes a ME 46 video extensometer with associated software for continuous on-line capture of individual strain components: longitudinal, transverse and shear during tensile testing, to evaluate strain fields, strain gradients, homogeneity of strain distribution and strain rate from locations up to 0.5 mm x 0.5 mm in size over a total size range from 3 mm x 4 mm up to 200 mm x 300 mm in size.

Corrosion Testing Laboratory LSK (PK 11)
The laboratory is designed for electrochemical testing of materials, corrosion testing and corrosion resistance of materials equipped with equipment: Voltalab PGP 201 with PC and Voltamaster 4 software; PARSTAT 4000 Potentiostat/Galvanostat/EIS analyzer; Potentiostat Galvanostat EIS Zahner Zennium; multimeter Agilent 34405 A Digital; multimeter KEITHLEY 2100 Digital; laboratory balance KERN EMB 500-1; laboratory balance type WA - 33Nr; laboratory balance ALT 220-SDAM; ultrasonic cleaner; 6 reference calomel electrodes and others.

Heat Treatment Laboratory LTS (PK 11)
The laboratory is used for the implementation of experimental and standardized processes of thermal and chemical-heat treatment for the provision of teaching and the solution of tasks of research projects and economic contracts, which is equipped with furnace equipment: 6 small chamber furnaces ZEZ HN 3/3; small chamber furnace BEZ HDG 4/3; 2 medium chamber furnaces BEZ HN 15/6; large chamber furnace BEZ HN 27/12; 4 tempering furnaces ZEZ KPO 7/15; cementing furnace HOA 7/5; small nitriding furnace ZNO; large nitriding furnace ZNO; Laboratory tube furnace LAC LT 50/300/13 with Ht40Al controller; Muffle furnace LAC LE 09/11; Binder FD drying oven (heating up to 300°C) with fan; furnace heating controllers and quenching tanks for quenching in aqueous solutions and in oil.

Sample production laboratory - mechanical workshop (PK 11)
The laboratory is designed for the production and processing of material samples for various types of material analyses, equipped with machine tools: 2 spindle lathes TOZ SN 32; vertical milling machine MF-250; horizontal milling machine 6M 82; horizontal milling machine 6H; automatic grinder SP-1; cylindrical grinder TOZ 1V-400; grinder BL 3-A; horizontal grinder BPH 20; tool grinder KSU-H250; drilling machine TOZ V20 and others.
Metallographic laboratory - classroom ML (PK 11)

The classroom is used for lectures, seminars and laboratory exercises devoted mainly to the doctrine of materials and physical metallurgy, phase transformations and heat treatment, structural and phase analysis of materials, equipped with computer, presentation and teaching equipment, 10 Zeiss Epityp light microscopes and a Zeiss Neophot light microscope with digitized image output processed by a PC with software.

The classroom LTS (PK 11)
The classroom is used for lectures, seminars and laboratory exercises devoted primarily to the study of materials and physical metallurgy, phase transformations and heat treatment, structural and phase analysis of materials, equipped with computer, presentation and teaching equipment with Internet connection, 4 light microscopes MTM 406 (one microscope with digital image recording), a stereomicroscope with digital camera and a large-screen monitor and a PC for software image processing.

The classroom K-2 (PK 11)
The classroom is used for lectures, seminars and laboratory exercises devoted primarily to the doctrine of materials and physical metallurgy, structural analysis of materials, analysis of their mechanical properties and limit states, which is equipped with computational, presentation and teaching equipment with internet connection, 9 Zeiss Epityp light microscopes, a tensile tearing machine, a Charpy pendulum hammer, a deep-drawn test facility and HB, HRC and HRB hardness measurement equipment.

The classroom – conference room of IMAT Institute (PK 11)
The classroom is used for teaching in the form of lectures and seminars in the field of material sciences, which is equipped with computer, presentation and teaching technology with Internet connection.

Plastic deformation and process simulation laboratory LPDaSP (PK 10)
The laboratory is designed to provide practical laboratory exercises, diploma practicals and final theses.
It is equipped with chip processing machines for preparation of test materials, furnace aggregates of various parameters, equipment for hot and cold plastic deformation, forging machines of various parameters, drawing table, equipment for formation of nanostructures by means of intensive plastic deformation - ECAP and ECAR, for non-contact point temperature measurement and measurement of thermal fields, measurement of deformation forces and torques, digital measuring apparatus NI cDAQ with LabVIEW software. The laboratory is also equipped with a Tinius Olsen H300KU mechano-plastic test rig with a nominal load of 300 kN for tensile compressive and flexural measurements in the temperature range from -197 °C to 1000 °C with control and evaluation software, hydraulic clamping heads, strain measurement equipment using mechanical and laser extensometers, and video extensometry using three cameras. The laboratory also contains metallographic sample preparation equipment, a Struers Tegramin 25 automatic grinder and polisher with accessories, a fume hood and laboratory glassware. The laboratory also includes R&D equipment for powder metallurgy, Turbula T2F for mixing and homogenization of powder materials, sieving apparatus AS 200 Control, laboratory scale HLD 3000 g/0,05 g, analytical balance ABS 220-4N, 220 g/0,1 mg, clamping device Comfort for dry sieving, Hall Flowmeter QPI, brass channel QPI, presentation PC with appropriate software.

Laboratory of identification methods LIM (PK 10)
The laboratory is designed to provide practical laboratory exercises, diploma practicals and final theses.
The laboratory is equipped with a thermal analysis device NETSZCH STA 449 F1 with control and evaluation software for DTA and DSC measurements with accessories: furnace (-150 ºC - 830 ºC and RT - 1100 ºC), balance (from 10 ng), automatic cooler to cryogenic temperatures (-150 ºC). The laboratory is also equipped with an STX 402 diamond wire cutter for precise and deformation-free cutting of samples for laboratory testing, a Belek compact port mobile electrospray spectrometer for precise, fast and mobile determination of chemical analyses of metals (Fe, Cu, Al alloys), semi-automatic Struers DURAMIN 5 micro-hardness tester with control and evaluation software, Vickers indexer with a load capacity of 98.07 - 980.70 mN. The laboratory also includes hardware equipment consisting of 10 powerful computer sets for numerical simulations and data processing and software equipment including Deform 2D/3D software for numerical simulations of forming, machining and heat treatment processes and Matlab software for scientific and technical numerical calculations, modelling, algorithm design, computer simulations, data analysis and presentation.

The classroom DU1 (PK 10)
The classroom is equipped with computer and projection technology with appropriate software necessary for teaching subjects related to plastic deformation of materials and simulation of forming processes.

The classroom DU2 (PK 10)
The classroom is equipped with computer and projection technology with 10 computer units for students with the appropriate software necessary for teaching subjects related to plastic deformation of materials and simulation of forming processes.

Laboratory for the analysis of physico-chemical properties (PK 19)
Equipment used: optical emission spectrometer with Fisher Thermo iCAP6200DUO ICP, NETZSCH STA F3 Jupiter simultaneous thermal analyzer, LINSEIS L75 PT Vertical dilatometer, Leitz-Wetzlar high-temperature microscope, AAS Perkin ELMER 3100, Quantachrome Nova 100e analyzer.
Research projects: projects oriented to the analysis of physical and chemical properties of non-metallic materials.

Ceramic laboratory and laboratory PLATAURUM (PK 19)
Equipment used: drying room, potter's wheel, Rheotest rotary viscometer, induction furnace, rolling mill, fume hood.
Research projects: projects oriented towards non-metallic materials technology.

Manufacturing hall PK10
Equipment used: drying ovens, high temperature ovens up to 1500°C, presses, mills, mixers, laboratory tables, sieving machines.
Research projects: projects oriented towards non-metallic materials technology.

Chemical Laboratory (PK 19)
Equipment used: laser particle distribution analyser MALVERN Microsizer 2000S, equipment and instruments for chemical composition analysis.
Research projects: projects oriented to the analysis of chemical and physical properties of non-metallic materials.

Laboratory of Chemical Metallurgy and Materials (PK 19)
Equipment used: vibrating shaker RETSCH, potentiostat Titroline 7000, ph meter HANNA, redox potential meter, mixed chemical reactors.
Research projects: projects oriented to the analysis of chemical properties of non-metallic materials.

RefraCer Laboratory (PK 19)
Equipment used: simultaneous thermal analyzer NETZSCH STA F3 Jupiter, X-ray diffractometer RIGAKU MiniFlex600, Theta-2Theta, CuK aplha, thermo-mechanical analyzer LINSEIS TMA PT 1700, high-pressure mercury porosimeter Quantachrome PoreMaster 33, high-temperature microscope Leitz-Wetzlar, Matest Vicatronic, microwave dissolution device for solid samples CEM MARS.
Research projects: projects oriented to the analysis of thermo-mechanical and physical properties of non-metallic materials and analysis of mineralogical composition.

Laboratory of thermo-mechanical analyses and mercury porosimetry (PK 19)
Equipment used: thermomechanical analyzer LINSEIS TMA PT 1700, high-pressure mercury porosimeter Quantachrome PoreMaster 33, microwave dissolution device for solid samples CEM MARS.
Research projects: projects oriented to the analysis of thermo-mechanical and physical properties of non-metallic materials.

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