The offer for industry - IMAT - Institute of Materials

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The offer for industry

The Institute of Materials (IMAT) carries out scientific research focusing on metallic, non-metallic materials and composites, forming and heat treatment of materials, the use of nanotechnology for the production and processing of materials, the development of new types of materials for electrodes for electrochemical cells (batteries) and materials for hydrogen storage. It uses advanced materials technology and analytical methods, sophisticated physical and numerical simulations, modelling, analysis and evaluation.

The offer for industry:
  • Microstructural analysis of materials by light and electron microscopy,
  • Chemical composition and phase analyses of materials,
  • Dilatometric analyses of phase transformations,
  • Analyses of mechanical properties of materials,
  • Analyses of corrosion and fatigue degradation of materials and prediction of service life,
  • Metallographic and fractographic analyses of the causes of failure and failure of structures,
  • Thermal and chemical-thermal processing of materials for industrial practice,
  • Application of artificial neural networks in materials expertise,
  • Advanced materials and lifetime monitoring of batteries and energy storage,
  • Advanced materials for hydrogen technologies,
  • Nanomaterials production and processing, Nanosafety.
  • Control of plastic deformation processes of materials,
  • Creation of functional and advanced forming technologies,
  • Modelling and simulation of plastic deformation processes,
  • Modelling and simulation of innovative material processes,

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