Department of Metallic Materials - IMAT - Institute of Materials

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Department of Metallic Materials

We provide teaching and programme development in the following areas:

  • Materials science, physical metallurgy, solid state physics
  • Structure and properties of metallic, non-metallic materials and composites
  • Phase transformations, thermal and chemical-thermal processing of materials
  • Structural and phase analysis of conventional and unconventional materials
  • Material limit states, corrosion, material degradation and prediction of material lifetime
  • Advanced materials, nanomaterials and materials for advanced technologies - materials for battery and hydrogen technologies
  • Controlled hot plastic deformation and controlled cooling processes
  • Development of functional forming technologies
  • Improvement of mechanical, physical and structural properties, surface quality, geometric dimensions and product shapes during and after plastic deformation processes
  • Mathematical description of the evolution of the structure and properties of materials
  • Modelling and simulation of plastic deformation tooling processes for forming technologies
  • Research on new forming methodologies

We conduct research in these areas and cooperate intensively with domestic and foreign research institutions and industrial partners.

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